Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Teething Woes

So, my daughter who is 22 months, has had a runny nose for over two weeks and has been cranky as hell. She's even waking at night which is strange for her so I was certain she had an ear infection, which she gets often. Her brother had croup the week before so I thought for sure he had shared something with her for the first time in his life... I was wrong. I had my husband take her to the dr. where I knew they would write a prescription for her and life would be good.... wrong again. No ear infection. I asked the hubby if he asked the dr. what could be causing her fussiness, but he didn't ask... so I decided to start playing nancy drew and figured out that her 2 year molars were coming in. It's been a nightmare and I don't like pumping her with Tylenol all of the time. So, the question of the day is, have you had terrible teething experiences and if so, what did you do to remedy the prob?

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